Stewardship and Engagement

As an advanced responsible asset manager, AXA IM believe that a robust and measurable stewardship and engagement strategy will build a beneficial environment for our clients. Our responsible investment teams lobby for change with industry bodies and regulators, vote with conviction at company meetings, and maintain dialogue with companies to effect change - where future risk is foreseen, to drive progress to a sustainable future.

Download the AXA IM Stewardship Report 2023

Stewardship in figures

total engagements, +14% increase vs 20221.
engagements at senior executive or board director level1.
+69 %
of engagements linked to the UN SDGs, with high proportion on climate action goal. 1
proposals voted. 1
meetings. 1
63 %
of escalations see vote escalation used as the main technique. 1

Hold steady: Sustainability in the face of polycrisis

In this podcast, experts discuss about shifting corporate priorities and why it is important that CEOs hold steady on their sustainability commitments.


A simple and transparent way to track progress towards our net zero goals.

The AXA IM for Progress Monitor is a selection of eight metrics with interim targets, chosen for their strategic importance and material contribution towards the firm’s goal of becoming net zero as a business and investor by 2050.

Learn more


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