AXA IM For Progress Monitor

The AXA IM For Progress Monitor tracks progress towards our net zero goals, simply and transparently. For each metric: read why it is significant, our interim target, the progress we have made so far, and the actions taken to reach this point. Also hear from the people at AXA IM who are supporting this collective journey, and download reports and policies for further information.

Climate Progress Report

Explore our Climate Progress Report for a comprehensive overview of our progress and actions against our climate commitments and net zero goals.

Download the full report (November 2023)

Important information:

Climate or sustainability-related metrics and underlying emissions data are subject to measurement uncertainties resulting from limitations inherent in the nature and the methods used to determine them. There is a limited availability of relevant data: such data is not yet systematically disclosed by issuers, or, when disclosed by issuers or collected from third-party data providers, it may be incorrect, incomplete or follow various reporting methodologies. The data sources and methodologies are expected to evolve and improve over time and may materially impact targets and the achievement of targets.

Targets noted above reflect management’s current expectations, and are subject to a number of assumptions, variables and uncertainties, including actions of issuers in which we invest, suppliers and other third parties, as well as a variety of political, economic, regulatory, civil society and scientific developments beyond AXA IM’s control. There can be no assurances that our targets and the timetable for any transition will be achieved in whole or in part .

More about the progress we are making
More reports

We attach great importance to communicating transparently about how we embed sustainability into our business practices and culture. Download our latest publications to know more.

The AXA IM for Progress Monitor is a selection of eight metrics with interim targets, chosen for their strategic importance and material contribution towards the firm’s goal of becoming net zero as a business and investor by 2050. These metrics are:    

  • Corporate portfolio carbon intensity  
  • AXA IM operational carbon footprint  
  • Coal exposure    
  • Real Estate carbon intensity   
  • Real Estate AUM CRREM aligned  
  • Investment in Natural Capital Solutions  
  • Active external engagement   
  • Active internal engagement   


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