Corporate Responsibility

It is not enough to be an active player in responsible investment: we must also walk the talk. We hold ourselves to the same high standards that we ask of others.

Holding ourselves to account

Corporate responsibility at AXA IM is about embedding responsibility as a firm, integrating our ESG commitment to our own corporate behaviours and actions, and holding oursevles to account.

We follow the same ESG framework as we do as an investor to show that responsible investing and corporate responsibility are two sides of the same coin:

As an investor

We are pushing for progress through our industry partnerships, our research, by ESG integration and active engagement on key responsible investing thematics. 

As a business and employer

We are living the progress on our own business model, culture, policies and processes. 

Our commitments

We have implemented many commitments and initiatives to demonstrate our own implementation of corporate responsibility. Our considered approach is based on three main commitments spanning the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) spectrum.

Our progress towards our climate commitments

Explore our Climate Progress Report for a comprehensive overview of our progress and actions against our climate commitments and net zero goals.

Climate Progress Report
Download report (Nov 23) (4.52 MB)

AXA IM For Progress Monitor

The AXA IM For Progress Monitor tracks progress towards our net zero goals, simply and transparently. Hear Fiona Swallow, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility, as she explains our operational carbon footprint target.

Check out our progress