Meet the Authors

Find out more about the authors who create and contribute to AXA IM’s articles and insights.

Meet AXA IM's authors

AXA IM’s investment professionals share their views and insights through thought leadership, market and macroeconomic commentaries, blogs and more. They offer unique perspectives and expert analyses of the latest trends in investment management and global financial markets. Find out more below.
Bruno Bamberger, CFA
Senior Solutions Strategist
François Cabau
Senior Eurozone Economist
Olivier Eugène
Head of Climate, RI Research
Jeremy Gleeson
Head of the Technology Investment Team
Théo Kotula
ESG Analyst
Investment Institute

Investment Institute Advisory Committee

Our Advisory Committee provides their renowned expertise and insights within the AXA IM Investment Institute, covering a range of topics including macroeconomics, asset classes, sustainability, climate change, future trends, technology and more.

Meet the advisory committee
Johann Plé
Lead Portfolio Manager
Tom Riley
Head of Global Thematic Strategies and Portfolio Manager, AXA IM Equities
Hans Stoter
Global Head of AXA IM Core
Anne Tolmunen, CFA
Portfolio Manager

Read our Editorial Guidelines

Find out more about the policies which guide the production of all of AXA IM’s written content

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