Sound Progress Podcast

As a founding member of the Net Zero Asset Manager’s Initiative, AXA IM aims to reach Net Zero by 2050. We launched the AXA IM For Progress Monitor to transparently report on significant metrics as we seek to achieve this goal. On Sound Progress, you’ll meet some of the people driving progress on those metrics.

Featured podcast

Brought by the Investment Institute.

Central banks and their impact – the role of the Fed.

What happens in the US can – and typically does - have a global impact. In this episode, our experts discuss how the world’s largest economy and its policies affect the rest of the world, and what it means for investors.

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Meet some of the people in the business driving progress towards our climate commitments. On each episode, we also invite an external expert to help us get to grips with a specialist topic.

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AXA IM for Progress Monitor

How we track and communicate on our Net Zero metrics.

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